Current Instructors

Founding Director, Master of Behavioral and Decision Sciences;
S. J. Patterson Harvie Chair;
Professor of Philosophy, Psychology and Legal Studies (Wharton)

Associate Professor of Practice in Behavioral and Decision Sciences; Lecturer, The Wharton School

Managing Director, BIT Americas; Distinguished Lecturer, Master of Behavioral and Decision Sciences

Senior Data Research Scientist, Center for Social Norms and Behavioral Dynamics; Lecturer, Master of Behavioral and Decision Sciences
Affiliated Faculty

Associate Professor, Annenberg School for Communication; Director of the Network Dynamics Group; Faculty Associate, Warren Center for Network and Data Sciences; Faculty Associate, School of Engineering

Annenberg Professor of Natural Sciences; Professor of Psychology; Director of the Center for Neuroscience & Society

James G. Dinan Endowed Professor; Professor of Operations, Information and Decisions

Professor of Social Policy and of Health & Societies; Senior Fellow in Public Health Director, PhD Program; Director, The Evelyn Jacobs Ortner Center on Family Violence

Professor, UNESCO Chair in Learning and Literacy; Director, International Literacy Institute and National Center on Adult Literacy; Director, International Educational Development Program; Graduate School of Education