Author and College of Liberal and Professional Studies alumnus David Jackson Ambrose (Bachelor of Arts `13) writes novels about marginalized identities in America: characters whose race, sexuality, disability, or poverty make them particularly vulnerable to violence and exploitation in American capitalism. His third book, Unlawful DISorder (released this month from Jaded Ibis Press), focuses on a black gay man caught in the dehumanizing snare of policing, the prison complex, and the mental health system. According to Jennifer Natalya Fink, author of All Our Families: Disability Lineage and the Future of Kinship, “David Jackson Ambrose once again proves himself to be a master storyteller of the stories America refuses to tell.”
Ambrose is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania with a Bachelor of Arts in Africana Studies from the College of Liberal and Professional Studies (LPS). He also holds a Master of Arts in Writing Studies from Saint Joseph’s University and a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing from Temple University, and has more than twenty years of experience working in social services. His debut novel, State of the Nation, was selected as a finalist for the 2019 Lambda Literary Award for gay fiction.