The College of Liberal and Professional Studies provides exceptional intellectual resources and access to pioneering understanding and discovery. Our faculty, students, and alumni routinely lead the world in cutting-edge research, scholarship, and education. For organizations looking to solve challenges, or to grow their staff in numbers or in expertise, Penn LPS provides ways to connect with our community of scholars to help you exceed organizational goals.
Ways to partner with Penn LPS
Train your workforce
Tuition reimbursement programs help organizations train and retain an effective, adaptive workforce. Penn LPS offers a variety of educational options with flexible schedules designed to enhance employee education without interrupting a full-time career.
- Professional master’s degrees combine Ivy League academics with practical applications
- Our fully online bachelor’s degree offers ambitious working professionals a liberal arts education built with career enhancement in mind
- Standalone certificates offer short-term programs of focused study designed to develop specialized skills or knowledge
- Customized programs are designed in partnership with our Professional and Organizational Development team to create programs best suited to your business

Elizabeth Seiffert, Social Studies Teacher, Ridge High School, Basking Ridge, NJ; Penn LPS Online Certificate in Climate Change '22
"I went to my school district and asked if they would support me in completing the Climate Change Certificate. I thought it would be a great way for me to help myself and my colleagues fit climate change into our curricula. I offered to take the Penn classes and then run workshops to help other teachers incorporate the subject into their classes. The school district agreed."
Invest in our students
Penn LPS is committed to offering programs that combine Ivy League academics with opportunities for practical, real-world applications. Partnering organizations can offer internships or more focused research projects and benefit from our emerging experts while providing them with valuable on-the-job experience and mentorship.
- Hire a student intern and partner with program leaders to define responsibilities and scope of highly sought professional experience
- Partner on problem-solving through programs that apply classroom learning to specific challenges for short-term, focused projects
- Join an advisory board with other thought leaders and experienced practitioners to provide insight into evolving trends in industry employment, training, and best practices

Anu Raghuram, Master of Behavioral and Decision Science ‘19
“I wanted to do a design challenge so that I could apply what I was learning in a real-world context. I formed a really good relationship with the industry partners, and eventually collaborated with them for my capstone project. Having a sound understanding of behavioral science has benefited me in my current role at every stage, from forming research questions to shaping a story from the data.”
Recruit talent
Penn LPS is dedicated to preparing students at all stages of life for academic excellence, professional success, and global citizenship. Our vibrant community of students, graduates, and faculty are dedicated to creating a better world.
- Meet prospective interns and job candidates at career fairs
- Present your organization’s opportunities in our classrooms
- Engage with capstone students on specific organizational needs, research, and challenges

Kathryn Ambroze, (MBDS '22), HCD Research
“We worked with quite a few students to help them develop and execute a research project. They developed their hypothesis and designed a study with a full agency to lead the project and think critically about the research process. After we ran the study, they reported and presented it to internal stakeholders. Each of those students also had an opportunity to publish a blog post on HCD’s website and be a guest on HCD’s podcast, Mindset, to hone their scientific communication skills. They were really creative in their insights and deliverables, showing us different data visualizations that we might not have used otherwise.”
Contact us
Reach out to Penn LPS to learn more about our degree programs and how you can engage with us through partnerships, recruitment, scholarship, and thought leadership. Contact us at lps@sas.upenn.edu or call (215) 898-7326.