MES in the Community 2017

MES in the Community, Hannah Kass

A stream of eco-consciousness

“I learned in Penn’s Master of Environmental Studies program (MES) that three to four percent of the total energy consumption in the US is used for drinking water and wastewater. It represents a tremendous opportunity for the water industry to step up for sustainability,” shares John Eppensteiner (MES ’15).

MES in the Community, Maame Mensah

The second time around

“I get to do work that makes the world a better place just by working at TerraCycle,” shares Maame Mensah (Master of Environmental Studies ’11), the US Account Director of Brand Partnerships at TerraCycle.

MES in the Community, Lauren McGrath

A fresh start

“I got my dream job because of the Master of Environmental Studies (MES) program,” beams Lauren McGrath (MES ’16), a freshwater ecologist at the Willistown Conservation Trust in Newtown Square, PA.

MES in the Community, Dom McGraw

The bright side

“I love the career I am in now. During my first class in the Master of Environmental Studies (MES) program, I read about sustainability, and the ideas behind ‘people, planet, profit,’ and my head almost exploded. I knew this was it,” shares Dom McGraw (MES ’13).

MES in the Community, Jesse Buerk

The road ahead

“There is an amazing confluence of smart, dedicated people in the Philadelphia area who want to do good work for the environment—and I’m thrilled my job is a part of that,” shares Jesse Buerk (Master of Environmental Studies ’08), Senior Capital Program Coordinator for the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC).

MES in the Community, Tasnim Aziz

The capeless crusader

“While I was student teaching, my students told me ‘Ms. Aziz, you’re a different person when you interact with plants.’ They inspired me to come to the Master of Environmental Studies (MES) at Penn,” shares Tasnim Aziz.

MES in the Community, Hannah Kass

A breath of fresh air

“I’ve always been curious about the world around me,” shares Elizabeth Madara (Master of Environmental Studies ‘12). “Growing up, my parents had a rule that if the sun was out, so were we.”

MES in the Community, Katera Moore

Urban agriculture gets schooled

“The environment is the gateway to full civic participation,” shares Katera Moore (Master of Environmental Studies ’06), “Studying at Penn allowed me to merge my passion for cities, the environment and people.”

MES in the Community, Sara King

From the ground up

“Philadelphia is a great laboratory. There are so many examples of green infrastructure and sustainability at work,” Sara King (Master of Environmental Studies ’11) shares about studying and working at the University of Pennsylvania.

MES in the Community, Emma Fried-Cassorla

Changing the tides of Philadelphia’s public spaces

“Parks don’t function well unless people are using them,” shares Emma Fried-Cassorla (Master of Environmental Studies ’12), the former Communications Manager at the Delaware River Waterfront Corporation (DRWC).

MES in the Community, Sara Drexler

The business of consciousness

“I get excited and geek out when I get to report on and tout the good work that my corporation is doing,” shares Sara Drexler (Master of Environmental Studies ’14), FMC Corporation’s Sustainability Analyst.

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