The University of Pennsylvania has a wide range of groups, centers, and experts that provide services for students throughout their time with Penn LPS. Campus organizations offer in-person and virtual resources for learning and collaboration around social, cultural, health and wellness, professional, and academic needs. Get involved in the community, reach out for support, and position yourself for success.
Resources for graduate students
The Grad Center at Penn provides resources for new graduate students including moving to Philadelphia, University-wide new student orientation, transitioning to graduate school, and more. See their resources for new graduate students.
New and prospective students can learn more about financial aid and billing in this video from Penn’s Student Registration and Financial Services, hosted by Joe Manning, Associate Director of Graduate and Professional Aid.
Penn resources
Career Services offers career advising appointments, a wide variety of workshops, and thousands of job and internship listings on the Handshake job board. They have also implemented several new approaches to meet students’ needs, such as the “Quick Questions from Quarantine” Instagram series, Peer Career Advisors for master’s students, and virtual “Same Day Advisor Drop-Ins.” Graduate students enrolled in an on-campus degree program through LPS are fully eligible for all services, while students enrolled in online degree programs (BAAS) have access to the Handshake job board. Non-degree, certificate and post-baccalaureate students may make use of the public resources on the Career Services website but are otherwise served directly by their program. See the Career Services website for complete eligibility information.
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) offers confidential and free professional mental health services to undergraduate, graduate, and professional students at Penn. Our goal is to assist students in their adjustment to University life and help them take full advantage of the academic and social environment at Penn. Students learn to manage personal problems, situational crises, and academic stresses, as well as develop self-awareness, personal responsibility, and skills for lifelong learning.
The mission of Penn’s Division of Public Safety is to enhance the quality of life, safety, and security of our community. The Division of Public Safety offers comprehensive safety and security services to our community members and visitors. Public Safety works closely with city, state, and federal law enforcement and emergency services partners to ensure the safety of all of those who work and study at Penn.
The Division of the Vice Provost for University Life (VPUL) is Penn's foremost provider of student activities, services, and supports. VPUL enhances the ability of nearly 25,000 undergraduate, graduate, and professional students to reach their fullest potential through diverse academic, personal, and professional development experiences supporting Penn Compact 2022.
The Family Resource Center at Penn is a hub for information, resources, activities, and advocacy for students and postdocs with children. The Family Center provides a forum for student parents to connect and develop supportive networks and offers a welcoming and family-friendly environment for Penn students, postdocs, caregivers, and children. They also provide virtual resources such as advising, programming, and online parenting communities.
The First-Generation, Low-Income (FGLI) Program serves first-generation, low-income, meaning, students who are the first in their families to go to college and/or who come from low-income households. At Penn, students pronounce it "figly" and embrace the acronym by wearing FGLI Program buttons or decorating laptops with FGLI Program stickers. Penn First is a registered student organization dedicated to creating a campus community for FGLI students through social events, workshops, and advocacy.
The Graduate Student Center provides a centrally located space to relax, study, and connect with other graduate and professional students from across the University. The Grad Center holds hundreds of events each year to help students gain the skills, experiences, and community they need for a truly successful graduate experience.
The mission of the International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) is to advance global engagement at the University of Pennsylvania and affiliated hospitals by offering inclusive, innovative, and impactful immigration and integration services. ISSS supports Penn’s ability to educate, train, and hire the best and brightest international students, scholars, staff, and faculty by providing immigration and intercultural expertise. It also delivers relevant and informed programming initiatives to create an inclusive global community at Penn.
The Chaplain is the administrative officer of the University responsible to the Provost for the oversight and coordination of religious activities on the campus. The Chaplain supports the academic mission of the University by facilitating and encouraging initiatives concerned with the moral, ethical, and spiritual dimensions of University life.
Penn Transportation has helpful resources regarding all the convenient and sustainable ways to travel to, from, and around the Penn campus, including public transportation, University transit, and alternative modes of transportation.
Founded in 1973, the Penn Women's Center is one of the nation's oldest women's centers, and works with students, staff, and faculty of all genders and identities. The Center's mission is to promote gender justice, and to empower, support, and advance personal and professional development for women and female-identified persons. Penn’s Women’s Center welcomes genderqueer, nonconforming, nonbinary, and transgender persons and cisgender women and men to get involved in their community.
The Reach-A-Peer Helpline is a peer helpline established in 1996 to provide peer support, information, and referrals to any and all students of the University of Pennsylvania. The service is open to all students who wish to share a problem, are in need of information, or just want to talk to someone about anything on their mind.
The University of Pennsylvania welcomes students with disabilities and is committed to providing the same exceptional opportunities to all Penn students. Student Disabilities Services (SDS) works closely with students who self-identify in order to ensure equal access to all University programs, activities, and services. The center provides information online about the accommodations they provide as well as procedures for requesting accommodations and services.
Student Health Service remains fully operational and has incorporated more telehealth for ultimate student choice and convenience. They are offering safety and well-being resources as part of Penn’s Plans for the Fall Semester.
Penn Student Intervention Services (SIS) assists the University community in handling emergencies or critical incidents involving the welfare and safety of students. The SIS teams work in partnership with the Offices of Counseling and Psychology Services (CAPS), the Chaplain's Office, and Special Services in the Division of Public Safety to manage cases involving major critical incidents.
The Weingarten Learning Resources Center provides learning resources, accommodations for students with disabilities to ensure equal academic opportunities, and tutoring services to supplement the academic experience.