Penn LPS support services for well-being
If you have any doubt about where to turn, Penn’s HELP Line is available 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, at (215) 898-HELP.
If you are feeling uneasy, unwell, or want to talk to someone:
(215) 898-7021
Student Health Service
(215) 746-3535
Student Intervention Services
(215) 898-6081
Office of the Chaplain
(215) 898-8456
Weingarten Learning Resources Center
(215) 573-9235
Special Services (within Division of Public Safety)
(215) 898-6600
Employee Assistance Program
(Penn employees only)
(866) 799-2329
For current LPS students, the following resources offer guidance, instructions, and key forms to students from each of the many communities we support. If you can't find what you're looking for, please contact LPS staff with further questions at lps@sas.upenn.edu.
Path@Penn is your main hub for information about your academic records, financial aid, and student profile.
- Introduction (video)
- Path@Penn Resources
- Advance Registration Guidelines
- How to Add/Drop/Swap Courses
- How to Create a New cart or Mock Schedule
For important registration dates and deadlines, see the Academic Calendar.
Current students can learn more about financial aid and billing in this video from Penn’s Student Registration and Financial Services, hosted by Joe Manning, Associate Director of Graduate and Professional Aid.
Students take time away from their studies for a wide variety of reasons including:
- To manage a medical concern
- To fulfill a family obligation
- To pursue career-related opportunities
- To complete military service
- To work on a political campaign
While interrupting your studies to take time away may seem intimidating, a leave is a means to the successful completion of a degree, not a barrier to graduating. More than three-quarters of students who take a leave return to complete their degree within two years.
If you are considering a leave, take time to think carefully about your goals for your time away and for when you return. Speaking with an LPS program director is an important first step. Depending on your circumstances, you should get advice from other sources as well. Students taking time away in order to manage a medical condition should discuss the leave with their healthcare provider. Your LPS program director will help you connect with other campus resources as you prepare to take a leave of absence, such as Student Financial Services, Housing, and International Student and Scholar Services.
Students typically take a leave for a full academic year. Individual circumstances may require more or less time; the length of the leave is determined by the school. Students on leave should remain in contact with their LPS program director and update them about changes in plans. The return from leave process supports students in a successful re-entry to academic life at Penn. When preparing to return, students must consult their LPS program director to develop a plan that includes the connection with appropriate resources.
A transcript is a representation of a student’s academic record while at the University of Pennsylvania. You may need a transcript to apply for graduate school or for employment purposes. Be sure to confirm with whoever is requesting your transcript whether you need an official transcript or if an unofficial transcript will suffice. Penn encourages you to request electronic transcripts whenever possible for the most efficient service, as long as such a transcript is acceptable for your purposes.
Official transcripts can be ordered through the "Order my official transcript" link on Path@Penn for a fee. Most students and alumni from the Class of 1988 onward can view unofficial transcripts for free at any time through Path@Penn.
You can also find transcript request instructions for specific student and alumni populations at the SRFS website.
The Pennbook is a collection of policies that relate to student life at the University of Pennsylvania. These policies govern academic activities such as grading and exams, provide guidance on the use of campus resources, and explain expectations for membership in the university community.
Pennant provides secure access to online course registration, class schedules, academic records, future academic planning, billing, financial aid application status and awards, address corrections and updates, and student health information. A PennKey is required to access Pennant.
The Penn Bookstore carries textbooks and trade books as well as stationery, art supplies, school supplies, gifts, and other items.
The Graduate Student Center provides a centrally located space to relax, study, and connect with other graduate and professional students from across the University. The Grad Center holds hundreds of events each year to help students gain the skills, experiences, and community they need for a truly successful graduate experience.
The Reach-A-Peer Helpline is a peer helpline established in 1996 to provide peer support, information, and referrals to any and all students of the University of Pennsylvania. The service is open to all students who wish to share a problem, are in need of information, or just want to talk to someone about anything on their mind.
Weingarten Center provides professional consultation services in skills such as academic reading, writing, study strategies, and time management. This academic support is provided through a variety of services and programs including the very popular series of study skills workshops offered at the beginning of each fall and spring term for students. Consult their website for specific dates and times for these workshops or for more information.
Student financial aid, including applications and disbursement of money, are handled through Student Financial Services (SFS). Call or visit the website for deadlines and procedures.
International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) is dedicated to supporting Penn’s vibrant global community. Whether you’re a new student preparing to join us, a current student navigating your academic journey, or a visiting scholar contributing to our diverse intellectual environment, we offer a wide range of services to help you succeed.
Career Services offers career advising appointments, a wide variety of workshops, and thousands of job and internship listings on the Handshake job board. They have also implemented several new approaches to meet students’ needs, such as the “Quick Questions from Quarantine” Instagram series, Peer Career Advisors for master’s students, and virtual “Same Day Advisor Drop-Ins.” Graduate students enrolled in an on-campus degree program through LPS are fully eligible for all services, while students enrolled in online degree programs (BAAS) have access to the Handshake job board. Non-degree, certificate and post-baccalaureate students may make use of the public resources on the Career Services website but are otherwise served directly by their program. See the Career Services website for complete eligibility information.
For a current list of computer labs on campus, along with a list of software installed and eligibility for usage.
The Tech Center offers advice, training, consulting services and computer support to Penn students. Students need their PennCard to access the building.
Van Pelt Library, the main University library, has extensive holdings, computers, and the Weigle Information Commons. Visit the Weigle Information Commons at Van Pelt Library.
Students have access to all of the recreation facilities available to the University community. For information on fees, hours, programs, locker rentals, etc. see website above.
Penn Transportation has helpful resources regarding all the convenient and sustainable ways to travel to, from, and around the Penn campus, including public transportation, University transit, and alternative modes of transportation.
Founded in 1973, the Penn Women's Center is one of the nation's oldest women's centers, and works with students, staff, and faculty of all genders and identities. The Center's mission is to promote gender justice, and to empower, support, and advance personal and professional development for women and female-identified persons. Penn’s Women’s Center welcomes genderqueer, nonconforming, nonbinary, and transgender persons and cisgender women and men to get involved in their community.
The Family Resource Center at Penn is a hub for information, resources, activities, and advocacy for students and postdocs with children. The Family Center provides a forum for student parents to connect and develop supportive networks and offers a welcoming and family-friendly environment for Penn students, postdocs, caregivers, and children. They also provide virtual resources such as advising, programming, and online parenting communities.
The Chaplain is the administrative officer of the University responsible to the Provost for the oversight and coordination of religious activities on the campus. The Chaplain supports the academic mission of the University by facilitating and encouraging initiatives concerned with the moral, ethical, and spiritual dimensions of University life.
The Office of the Ombudsman assists individuals in finding solutions to problems that they may not be able to resolve through normal channels. The office is concerned with safeguarding individual rights and promoting better channels of communication throughout the University. It is independent of all administrative offices. The Ombudsman is not an advocate for any one individual or group. He or she is an advocate for fairness, adherence to University regulations, due process, and personal responsibility. The Office supplements, but does not replace, any existing grievance mechanisms or modes of redress. It can and does recommend changes in the existing rules and practices when necessary.
Pursuant to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, in general, personally identifiable information can be disclosed to people outside the University only with the written consent of the student or alumnus involved. A statement setting forth specific University policy concerning (1) disclosure of information to people outside the University, (2) disclosure of information to people within the University, (3) permitting students to inspect and review records and (4) providing students with the opportunity to seek the correction of their records appears in the Pennbook and is found at the website.
The University of Pennsylvania’s special character is reflected in the wide variety of backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives of the Penn community. We seek talented faculty, students, and staff who will constitute a vibrant community and help create an educational and working environment that best supports the University’s commitment to excellence in teaching, research, and scholarship.
Penn’s commitment to equal opportunity and nondiscrimination is fundamental to the University’s mission of advancing knowledge, educating leaders for all sectors of society, and public service. The University of Pennsylvania prohibits unlawful discrimination based on race, color, sex, sexual orientation, religion, creed, national origin (including shared ancestry or ethnic characteristics), citizenship status, age, disability, veteran status, or any other class protected under applicable federal, state, or local law.
Penn is committed to ensuring that its academic, social, recreational programs and services as well as opportunities for admission and employment are available on a nondiscriminatory basis without regard to an individual’s legally protected class status. The Office of Equal Opportunity Programs, in collaboration with the Division of Human Resources and the Office of the Provost, oversees the implementation and administration of the University’s equal opportunity and nondiscrimination policies and programs.
Questions or concerns regarding the University’s equal opportunity and affirmative action programs and activities or accommodations for people with disabilities should be directed to the Director of Affirmative Action.
CAPS provides professional psychological and psychiatric services to all Penn students who need help in dealing with academic stress, social difficulties, situational crises, managing personal problems, developing greater self-awareness and skills for life-long learning. Students presenting with more serious concerns like depression, anxiety, and eating disorders, among others, are seen as well. Licensed psychologists, psychiatrists, and social workers provide confidential short-term psychotherapy for individuals, group counseling, emergency crisis services, medication evaluations, workshops, career assessments/development counseling, and referrals free of charge.
The Weingarten Learning Resources Center houses the Office of Student Disabilities Services (SDS), which provides comprehensive professional services and programs for students with disabilities to ensure equal academic opportunities and participation in University sponsored programs. Reasonable accommodation to a qualified student’s known disability may be provided to assure equal access. Penn invites students with disabilities to self-identify at any time during their course of study as enrolled students. Although the self-identification process is confidential and completely voluntary, it is required for those requesting accommodation.
The mission of Penn’s Division of Public Safety is to enhance the quality of life, safety, and security of our community. The Division of Public Safety offers comprehensive safety and security services to our community members and visitors. Public Safety works closely with city, state, and federal law enforcement and emergency services partners to ensure the safety of all of those who work and study at Penn.
The University of Pennsylvania is committed to the safety of all students and is at the forefront of handling cases involving sexual violence, relationship violence, and stalking. The Penn Violence Prevention (PVP) is a collaborative program that grew out of the Penn Women’s Center. PVP aims to engage the Penn community in the prevention of sexual violence, relationship violence, and stalking on campus. The goal is to not only ensure students have access to safe and effective resources, but to provide preventative education focused on building healthy relationships, understanding consent, reaching out to friends in need, and being an active bystander. Please review the following links for more information.
Review the following links for information about rules governing exams:
The University observes the following holidays: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and the day after, and New Year’s Day. The University also recognizes that there are several religious holidays that affect large numbers of University community members, including Christmas, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, the first two days of Passover and Good Friday. In consideration of their significance for many students, no examinations may be given, and no assigned work may be required on these days. Students who observe these holidays will be given an opportunity to make up missed work in both laboratories and lecture courses. If an examination is given on the first-class day after one of these holidays, it must not cover material introduced in class on that holiday.
Review the Provost’s Policy on secular and religious holidays for more information on secular and religious holidays.
The Office of Student Conduct (OSC) is responsible for acting on behalf of the University in matters of student discipline. OSC deals with alleged instances of academic dishonesty and other student misconduct, in order to determine how best to resolve these allegations consistent with the goals and mission of the University as an educational and intellectual community.
The Office of Student Affairs, a department within the Division of University Life, serves as a primary source of information and advice about co-curricular opportunities and resources. Staff members assist students in becoming involved in campus life, conduct leadership development programs, provide continuity for organizations from year to year, manage organizational finances, educate students about University policies, mediate disputes, advise event planners, and help students put classroom learning into practice through the techniques of experiential education. A full list of services provided by the Office is available.
The Center for Hispanic Excellence: La Casa Latina
The Center for Hispanic Excellence: La Casa Latina promotes greater awareness of Latinx issues, culture, and identity at Penn. La Casa Latina works closely with the Penn community to offer a supportive environment where all students are welcomed and engaged in programs, events, and dialogues that address important issues affecting Latinxs/Hispanics locally, nationally, and internationally.
The Graduate and Professional Student Assembly
The Graduate and Professional Student Assembly (GAPSA) has been an important driver of change at the University of Pennsylvania since its founding over 30 years ago. The organization strives to enhance the Penn graduate student experience through a diversified array of initiatives with an emphasis on promoting interdisciplinary research and bringing together students from different disciplines.
International Student Advisory Board
The purpose of the International Student Advisory Board (ISAB) is to enhance the international student community at Penn and advise International Student and Scholar Services on how to provide effective and successful programs and services. Members also share insights and develop relationships with other Penn units and student organizations.
Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Center
The Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender (LGBT) Center is one of the oldest and most active LGBTQ+ campus centers in the country. The Center is a home away from home for the University of Pennsylvania's queer and transgender communities and has been for over 35 years. For students questioning their gender identity or sexuality, in the process of coming out, proudly LGBTQ+, or an ally, the Center welcomes everyone. They serve as a social and political hub for the LGBTQ+ campus community by hosting nearly 30 undergraduate and graduate student organizations, as well as offering peer mentorships, ample space to study and socialize, and a full calendar of events.
Liberal and Professional Studies Government
The Liberal and Professional Studies Government (LPSgov) is tasked with representing the LPS student body, providing master’s students with information to enhance their graduate experience, ensuring fair distribution of funding, and partnering with other student groups on program-wide events that foster cohesiveness within the entire LPS graduate population.
MAKUU: The Black Cultural Center
MAKUU: The Black Cultural Center is a nexus of academic, professional, and personal growth for the University of Pennsylvania students interested in Black culture and the African diaspora. Through advising, leadership development, network facilitation, and cultural programming, they expand student access to the University's resources, enhancing the campus and global communities.
The Pan-Asian American Community House
The Pan-Asian American Community House (PAACH) opened in the fall of 2000 in response to students' calls for a cultural resource center at the University of Pennsylvania where South Asian, East Asian, Southeast Asian, and Pacific Islander cultures could be celebrated. PAACH is a community center that develops and implements innovative programs for leadership development and community service in close collaboration with Asian American student and community groups.
Penn Graduate Women in Science and Engineering
The Penn Graduate Women in Science and Engineering (PGWISE) was founded to foster an environment at Penn and nationally where women are given the opportunities to be successful in their chosen fields, facilitating growth and innovation nationwide.
Penn Women in Chemistry
Penn Women in Chemistry is a group of graduate women in the Department of Chemistry who organize events and activities to promote the growth and well-being of women in the chemical sciences.
Rangoli, the Indian Association at Penn, was formed to maintain Indian culture and rekindle the spirit of Indian traditions and festivals with verve and vigor. Rangoli is proud to embark upon its seventeenth year as it continues to be one of Penn's completely incorporated organizations. They are open to every member of Penn's community while reaching out other cultural groups on campus.