LPS News

Fels was privileged to host Senator Elizabeth Warren for their Public Policy in Practice speaker series on Friday, November 6

Fels Institute of Government welcomes Senator Elizabeth Warren for the Public Policy in Practice speaker series

As hundreds from the Penn community watched this virtual discussion, Senator Elizabeth Warren answered questions from Fels Master of Public Administration students, shared her thoughts on the presidential election and the path forward, and offered advice about pursuing a career in public service.

Practicing environmental resilience and adaptation with a Penn alumnus-turned-instructor

John A. Miller (MES ’18) has worked in floodplain management as both an engineer and a government liaison. Now he shares his lessons learned as an instructor.

The global pandemic and the emergence of new social norms

Master of Behavioral and Decision Sciences founding director, Cristina Bicchieri, explores how COVID-19 is shaping social norms around the world.

Challenge accepted: For Penn's MBDS program, remote learning opened the door to global community

Pivoting to online learning during the pandemic presented opportunities to connect Master of Behavioral and Decision Sciences students with alumni, international experts, and more.

How one student discovered that the tech industry is not an ivory tower

Pivoting back to a long-time passion of coding, MaiAda Carpano found the Penn LPS Coding Boot Camp an accessible and rewarding path to a career in web development.

A Master of Liberal Arts alumni pilots a virtual green consulting project for Galápagos businesses

Jesse Hamilton (MLA ’19), now a first-year philosophy doctoral student, led a project to help business owners increase their eco-friendliness and profitability.

Justices O’Connor and Ginsberg and the carrying of the mantle

On the death of Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Professor of Practice Marci Hamilton reflects on the first two female Supreme Court Justices.

English Language Programs’ online course reaches 1 million enrollments

ELP’s MOOC English for Career Development allows learners to strengthen their English language skills while exploring global career paths.

Food for thought from an agricultural sustainability leader

Linda Froelich, global sustainability director at FMC, brings deep expertise in the agriculture industry to her new Master of Environmental Studies course.

Presidential campaigning goes digital as the pandemic forces candidates to get creative

Master of Liberal Arts student Andrew Arenge is taking political data gathered at his day job and shaping it into a capstone covering the 2020 Democratic primary and the use of digital ads.