Siobhan Whadcoat, PhD

photo of Siobhan Whadcoat, PhD

Director, Professional Masters Programs in Earth and Environmental Science

Siobhan is a geomorphologist with a particular interest in landslides. Siobhan holds a BSc, MSc, and PhD in Physical Geography from the University of Durham, UK, and completed a postdoc at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, working part-time for a geotechnical consulting firm. Her research focused on natural hazards, specifically understanding issues of slope stability and working to better forecast slope failure events. Siobhan has taught at universities in the UK, Germany, Canada, and the US, and is currently a part-time lecturer at Penn, where she teaches classes in Natural Disasters and GIS in the undergraduate program, and is teaching a course on Landslides for Penn’s online Master of Science in Applied Geosciences program.

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