Thriving in the Workplace

Thriving in the Workplace

On Campus
Course Number
DYNM 6480 001
Course Code
Course Key
Course Note
MSOD Category: Application --- Concentration: Org Culture and Change
Course Description
America’s workforce is struggling. The results of Gallup’s most recent employee engagement survey show the first annual decline in worker engagement in more than a decade. A recent Deloitte study of workplace wellbeing suggests that 70% of C-suite leaders are considering quitting and finding a job that better supports their wellbeing. In this environment, what can leaders do to create a different experience - for themselves and for their teams? What does it look like for workers - and entire organizations - to truly thrive and reach their fullest potential?

This course will explore promising frameworks, strategies and practices for creating thriving workplaces that maximize individual potential and organizational impact. Course content will integrate key concepts organizational development, workplace wellbeing, positive psychology and performance management. Participants will first explore strategies for maximizing individual wellbeing and engagement in the workplace, including the application of positive psychology and the science of character. We will then examine approaches for building thriving teams, including strategies for fostering trusting relationships, leveraging collaboration, and creating a culture of feedback. Finally, we will investigate organization-level practices, including applications for strategy, organizational culture, and change management. 
Subject Area Vocab