Ceremony Tickets

Participating graduates can request a maximum of five (5) guest tickets for the LPS Graduation Ceremony in Marian Anderson Hall at the Kimmel Center. In addition, a live-streamed simulcast of the ceremony will be available on our website starting at 3:30 p.m. on Sunday, May 18.

Every guest (including children of all ages) must have a ticket to gain entrance into Marian Anderson Hall. All seating is general admission by tier.

Ticket distribution

There are two options to pick up guest tickets:

  • In person at the Penn LPS Office (3440 Market Street, Suite 100)
    • Wednesdays from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. starting on April 2  
    • PennCard required
    • Lost or stolen tickets cannot be replaced
  • Will call at the Kimmel Center lobby starting at 1:30 p.m. on the day of the ceremony
    • Guests can indicate the graduate’s name for pick up