Human Anatomy: Endocrine and Reproductive Systems
Subject Area
Course Number
ANAT 516 601
Course Code
Course Key
Course Note
This course is open to LPS Post-Baccaulaureate students only. Please contact Kimberly Halscheid ( if you have questions.
Course Description
This 0.5 CU human anatomy course will cover development, anatomy and physiology, histology, imaging, and molecular mechanisms of the endocrine and reproductive systems. The objectives are to: 1) define mechanisms of hormonal signaling; 2) describe the anatomic relationships and gross structure of major endocrine and reproductive organs, including the hypothalamus, pituitary glands, thyroid gland, parathyroid glands, pancreas, adrenal glands, gonads, breasts, and male and female reproductive systems; 3) characterize the microscopic anatomy of major endocrine and reproductive organs; 5) assess the regulation of major hormonal axes and intuit pathophysiologic effects of hormonal dysregulation; 6) explain the effects of significant hormones on their respective target tissues; 7) trace the embryologic origins of the endocrine and reproductive organs, including the pharyngeal apparatus.
Subject Area Vocab