Affiliated Faculty, Organizational Dynamics; Learning Director, Aresty Institute of Executive Education, The Wharton School; Co-President, Transition One Associates
Janet Greco is Co-President of Transition One Associates, a management consulting firm that specializes in transforming leadership intent into organizational momentum, where she provides leadership and management development through coaching individual executives and consulting with management teams. Dr. Greco’s courses in the Organizational Dynamics program include The Devil’s Advocate and Stories in Organizations. In 2016, she was awarded The College of Liberal and Professional Studies Award for Distinguished Teaching in Professional Graduate Programs.
Dr. Greco is also faculty and learning director of several Aresty Institute of Executive Education programs. Her research into the use of stories and organizational politics for executive development was conducted with participants of the J&J/Wharton Fellows program and the results of this study were published in the Journal of Organizational Change Management.
Dr. Greco earned an MA in organizational development and her PhD in human and organizational systems from The Fielding Graduate University.