Bei Shan Tang Scholarship

The College of Liberal and Professional Studies (LPS) at the University of Pennsylvania has partnered with the Bei Shan Tang (BST) Foundation in Hong Kong to offer financial assistance to residents of Hong Kong who are interested in attending the Master of Applied Positive Psychology (MAPP). The scholarship will cover the full tuition and fees of the MAPP program.

In order to be eligible for this scholarship, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Must be a resident of Hong Kong
  • Must be proficient in Cantonese
  • Must have an excellent command of Chinese and English
  • Must have knowledge of the culture and education system in Hong Kong
  • Must have at least two years of work experience in education
  • Must be willing to return to Hong Kong to live and work for at least two years after completing the MAPP program
  • Must contribute to the Foundation’s projects related to positive education—the form of contribution may include providing consultation to local schools, conducting sharing sessions, engaging in teacher training, delivering seminars and talks, etc.

Application process

The Bei Shan Tang Scholarship application for 2025 is closed.

  • Must have the MAPP application completed by March 1.
  • Must have the scholarship application (contained within the MAPP application) completed by March 1.
  • Must submit additional copies (separate from what is required for the MAPP application) of transcripts, resume/cv, and application essay directly to BST on or before January 31. Materials should be sent to:

    Bei Shan Tang Foundation
    1401C Lee Garden Two
    28 Yun Ping Road, Hong Kong

Bei Shan Tang Scholarship Recipients

Lai Wai Man (Norris)
Lai Wai Man (Norris), 2023 Bei Shan Tang Scholarship Recipient

Vice-principal (Student Development and Support) of Ying Wa College

Norris Lai (MAPP `24) is the first in-service teacher to receive the Bei Shan Tang Scholarship. The MAPP program provided her tools to support well-being in Hong Kong schools—starting at the top.
Jasmine Shu-Kay Choi
Jasmine Shu-Kay Choi, 2021 Bei Shan Tang Scholarship Recipient

Founder and owner of Make Positive; Registered social worker

A recipient of the Bei Shan Tang Scholarship, Jasmine Shu-Kay Choi (MAPP `22) is ready to take her commitment to positive education in Hong Kong to the next level.
Maggie Yue Zhao, PhD
Maggie Yue Zhao, PhD, 2020 Bei Shan Tang Scholarship Recipient

Director of the Teaching and Learning Evaluation and Measurement Unit, The University of Hong Kong

Dr. Maggie Yue Zhao enrolled in the MAPP program to continue her lifelong commitment of making a positive impact on the greater community.