The LPS Class of 2020 includes an inspiring mother-daughter pair

Stephanie and Arielle Mae Pierson both graduated from the Penn LPS Bachelor of Arts program this past Sunday. Stephanie, 48, enrolled at Penn in 2007 and received a Bread Upon the Waters scholarship for part-time female students over age 30. When Arielle, 28, saw how much her mother enjoyed the program she decided to enroll as well. She got a full-tuition scholarship through Phi Theta Kappa, the honor society for community college students.

Master of Behavioral and Decision Sciences program launches MBDS Advisory Board

Penn’s Master of Behavioral and Decision Sciences (MBDS) program has established an MBDS Advisory Board to guide the program’s development. The board’s inaugural members are thought leaders in the behavioral science field: Charlotte Blank, Chief Behavioral Officer of Maritz; Dr. Michael Hallsworth, Managing Director, North America of the Behavioural Insights Team; Dr.

Two LPS instructors receive 2020 awards for distinguished teaching in the School of Arts and Sciences

The College of Liberal and Professional Studies congratulates two of our instructors who have been announced as winners of the 2020 awards for distinguished teaching in the School of Arts and Sciences.

In recognition of outstanding teaching in LPS’s undergraduate and post-baccalaureate programs, Philip Gehrman, LPS lecturer in psychology and Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology in the Perelman School of Medicine, is the recipient of this award for his stellar classroom instruction and commitment to student success.

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