College of Liberal and Professional Studies students named 2020 Dean’s Scholars

The College of Liberal and Professional Studies congratulates two of our students who were just announced as 2020 Dean’s Scholars. Nathan Duane Coonts (BA ’20) and Hope Elliott (MSAG ’20) were recognized by Vice Dean Nora Lewis and Dean Steven J. Fluharty of the School of Arts and Sciences for their exceptional academic performance and intellectual promise.

Master of Environmental Studies student explains COVID-19’s impact on food systems

In an interview with Omnia, Hannah Kass (MES ’20—expected) says there is more than enough food to feed the world during the coronavirus crisis. “The question is whether or not our political leaders are willing to ensure that food is equitably distributed,” she notes. In the interview, Hannah lays out what can be done to ensure people have access to food, how COVID-19 will impact US farmers, and what should change as a result of the crisis.

College of Professional and Liberal Studies students stand out in the 2020 Grad Ben Talks event

The College of Liberal and Professional Studies is proud to recognize Cameo Hazlewood and Justin Thompson, whose collaborative research won the category for Group Presentations at the 2020 Grad Ben Talks event on February 21, as well as Darlene Marshall, whose presentation not only won the Professional Master’s Programs category but also the Audience Choice award for this year.

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