City Sustainability Policies: Building Performance, Energy, and Carbon Emissions: City Sustainability Policies: Building Performance, Energy, and Carbon Emissions

City Sustainability Policies: Building Performance, Energy, and Carbon Emissions: City Sustainability Policies: Building Performance, Energy, and Carbon Emissions

On Campus
Course Number
ENVS 6870 660
Course Code
Course Key
McGraw, Dominic
Course Note
MES Concentration in Urban Environment and Resilience and Adaptation
Course Description
In Philadelphia, buildings account for nearly 70% of carbon emissions. What policies could be put in place to reduce these emissions? What can be learned from other U.S. cities? In this course, students will review climate action plans and building energy policies in four cities (Philadelphia, Boston, New York, Seattle), conduct research on the impact of Federal legislation, as well as current and future policies including the recent adoption of building performance standards across the nation. Students will work in groups to deep dive into these policies and hear from subject practitioners  to formulate building policy suggestions focusing on the process of policy development, energy conservation, renewable energy generation, and greenhouse gas reduction.
Subject Area Vocab