Leadership: Mindset to Action

Leadership: Mindset to Action

Course Number
DYNM 6240 900
Course Code
Course Key
Primary Program
Course Description
In this experiential and application course, theory and learning are put to work towards action in consideration of your personal context to hone your leadership style. A framework will be followed: Theory, Mindset, Action, Outcome. Through discussions and assignments, you will strengthen and deepen your knowledge of leadership, develop and refine your leadership style, and better articulate who you are as a leader. Throughout the course, you will assess and reflect on your mindsets to explore how they manifest in your actions, identify areas to explore and develop, determine ways to experiment with and implement new approaches, and reconcile your intent with the outcomes. A personal leadership narrative will be created, incorporating analysis of your past and present leadership mindsets with your plan for moving forward. Theory and practice come together to support you wherever you are on your leadership journey. Non-Dynamics students: please include a brief job description in your Permissions Request.
Subject Area Vocab