Penn Pre-Health Programs students launch an innovative health disparities course to make better doctors and a better world

In the midst of the summer of 2020, during COVID-19 shutdowns and the height of the mass protest movement in response to the murder of George Floyd, a handful of Pre-Health Programs students preparing for medical school were motivated to give back. The first step was organizing a student group that would serve as a platform for education on the social determinants of health—a traditionally overlooked area of health education.

Fels Institute of Government graduate Sophia Zehler exemplifies school pride as Penn's mascot, the Quaker

By the time she applied for the job as the Penn Quaker, first-generation college student and Cuban American Sophia Zehler (MPA `22) was already a mascotting pro. Zehler began her mascot career as an undergraduate in 2018 as the Blue Hen at the University of Delaware, then at Fordham University as Ramses the Ram after a transfer. “Being a mascot is unique in what it is and what it offers,” Zehler says. “It makes you stand out. It gave me so much, in and out of suit.”

Creative writing at Penn’s College of Liberal and Professional Studies

Become a Penn-made writer—your way. Designed with working adults and nontraditional students in mind, Penn’s College of Liberal and Professional Studies (LPS) offers a range of opportunities to study the craft of creative writing with expert faculty and a community of like-minded peers. As a Penn student, you have access to world-class resources including Penn Libraries and Kelly Writers House, as well as personalized advising to help you make the most of your Penn experience. 

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